Taking on any kind of task involves a certain recipe to making sure the job is done. Although easier tasks have the advantage of being more manageable, any kind of task has at least one thing in common - you have to finish what you start. Many people say that in the end, it's the journey and not the destination that matters, but for most tasks, it's all up to your output at the end of the day. So to avoid being dubbed as the 'person who never finished anything recruitment , here are a few tips that might help you get the job done.
Be Realistic
If you're given an hour to finish a 10-page paper, do you think that can be done? Remember to work according to your limits. Don't take on tasks that you won't be able to achieve in the first place. If you don't have the skills to get the job done, then don't waste your time trying to do it. After all, chances are you won't get it done.
Be Committed. Be Goal-Oriented
Getting the job done is all about attitude. Keep telling yourself that you'll be able to do it and in the end, you'll succeed. Focus on the task at hand and keep your word that you'll get the job done.
Goals are also important in getting the job done. Each day, make a list of goals on what you should finish and do your best to accomplish them. Having goals allows you to keep yourself oriented to the task at hand.
It's all about scheduling
It might be a rarity to embark on just one task a day. It's more likely that you have to accomplish several tasks within a certain time frame and according to a definite deadline. In this case, you might want to plan ahead. You have a 10-page paper due 3 days from now? Take time each day to write something. You have 2 deadlines to meet on the same day? Make sure to have time to work on both. Depending on your preference, you could either work on the easier or harder task.
Make room for some free time (and fun!)
No matter how hectic your schedule might be, it's always good to have some free time. You decide when you want your free time to be, as long as it isn't too long and too frequent since this might interfere with your work. What you do in your free time is also up to you - take a nap, go for a jog or enjoy a snack.

Track your progress
This is important especially if you have a lot of recruitment to accomplish. Know where you stand and how much you still have to do. This will allow you to allocate your time and energy wisely.
Reward yourself
At the end of it all (or at the end of the week), give yourself a reward for getting the job/s done. Watch a movie, eat at your favorite restaurant or do whatever you want. After all, you definitely deserve it.