There are plenty of source code snippets and samples on free blogs and other resources online. Very few of them provide you with source code that constitutes of code that covers entire apps. However, there are some amazing source code bundles that cover entire apps that are published on the App store. These are great if you want to get under the hood and see exactly how these abc kids apps are made from start-to-finish. Here they are...

1. ABC 123 - Sequence memorization game, that utilizes Cocos2D.
2. Colloquy - A conversion of the most popular Mac IRC client to iPhone.
3. Diceshaker - Dice rolling simulator designed for role-playing-game lovers.
4. Doom Classic - The classic 3D first person shooter game now open sourced on the iPhone! [ itunes link | source code | build instructions ]
5. Freshbooks - An iPhone App that allows of Freshbooks web invoicing software from your iPhone.
6. Gorillas - Classic Worms/iShoot turn based shooter type game converted to iPhone from basic. Utilizes Cocos2D.
7. - Software that enables usage of the platform for personal radio stations.
8. Mobilesynth - A monophonic synthesizer designed for live performance.
9. Molecules - Allows you to view 3D models of molecules and manipulate them through touch.
10. Mover - Allows you to transfer stuff from one iPhone to another by "flicking" it to the other device.
11. Natsulion - A basic twitter client converted from mac.
12. NowPlaying - Allows you to check local theater listings, and check rotten tomato ratings.
13. Packlog - Backpack journal client.
14. PocketFlix - Find movies, and manage your Netflix information.
15. reMail - E-mail client featuring ultra-fast search. Removed from app store, but source made available.
16. RobotFindsKitten - Port of a very silly "classic" ASCII game.
17. Sci-15 HPCalc - Calculator app based on classic scientific HP-Calculator.
18. Task Coach - Personal to-do list and task manager.
19. Tubestatus - London train schedule tracker.
20. Tweejump - Platform jumping game inspired by Icy Tower. Utilizes Cocos2D.
21. Tweetero - Basic twitter client with image uploading.
22. Twitterfon - Super-fast intuitive twitter client.
23. Wikihow - A reader app for the popular how to wiki site.
24. Wordpress - Client for managing WordPress blogs.
25. YourRights - Pocket database containing a summary of your legal rights.
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